08:30 – 17:00

Monday to Friday

Fort Fareham Business Park

Fareham PO14 1AH
Temple Mortgage - Mortgages And Protection

08:30 – 17:00

Monday to Friday

Fort Fareham Business Park

Fareham PO14 1AH

Let us guide you through the mortgage maze.

With branches in Fareham and Dorchester we can guide you through your mortgage in a way that fits into your schedule: in our office, at your home or over the phone.

Taking on a mortgage is a big financial commitment, we aim to take the stress out of moving and make the experience a positive one.


Unsure where to start?

You can contact us on 01329 282882 Monday–Friday, 08:30–17:00, use the form to the right or send an email using info@templemortgage.co.uk

Head Office

Dorchester Office

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